Did you know that you can create your own website?

It’s a good option to get to work yourself if you have free time and little budget at the moment.

People will actually value your activity/services more if you have your own website.

Having just one facebook page is limiting because:
– people quickly get lost in social media :-/
– It doesn’t show the same credibility,
– Less power to appear on Google
– Doesn’t strengthen google business profile
– less content control
– less control in the sales funnel

There are several tools available today that allow you to create websites much more easily than before

But which one to use and where to start?
(this will be the subject of my next post in a few days)

In any case, among the most commonly used tools are:
– WordPress (wordpress.org)
– Squarespace
– Webflow
– Html and Css templates

1 – Feel free to ask questions.
2 – If, however, you have a profitable company/activity that is making a good profit at the moment, it would be more profitable for you in terms of the value of your working hours to invest your time in growing your company and choose to ask a professional to help you create your website.

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